Patent Filing & Enforcement

The expert team at Myers Wolin helps protect your innovations and your business with our wide range of experience and attorneys around the world.

After your patent is approved, we create strategies to derive value through licensing and distribution and/or address infringements or other attacks.

Patent Services

Once you have a clear idea of the end-user and execution path for your product, we’re ready to guide you through the patent process. As concierge-style intellectual property attorneys, we offer insights and strategies to guide improvements or changes to meet patent requirements

  • Thorough search to determine patentability in the USPTO
  • Strategic counsel on design-arounds to help you design product that avoids the intellectual property of others
  • Thorough and timely patent applications to get you from pending to approved quickly
  • Contracts and litigation after patent approval

Other Practice Areas

Are you inventing a new product and considering a patent? Read our blog to understand more about the process and then speak with a lawyer to get started.

Gordon Belcher Participated as Judge for Cleantech Open


On September 24, 2024, Gordon Belcher was a judge for a live pitch competition of a Regional competition between startups for Cleantech Open. Previously, Gordon judged written submissions of startups for the Regional competition. The winners of the...