Anti-Counterfeiting, Customs & Border Protection

You’ve worked hard to create a unique, high-quality product, and we work hard to protect your reputation from copycats around the world.

We create a custom plan to enforce your product designs and trademarks, registering your trademark with the CBP and seizing counterfeit products to protect the integrity of your brand, while saving you time and money in the long run.

With our vital trademark and anti-counterfeiting practice, we’ll protect your business’s reputation, brand identity, and good name in the marketplace to maintain a critical competitive distinction in the eyes of your customers.

Protect Your Business from Counterfeits

Customs and Border Protection reported seizures of over 26,000 shipments with an estimated MSRP of over $1.3 billion. Not only do these counterfeits harm your reputation as a business, but they also harm the customers who buy them.

Our services to fight counterfeiting:

  • Trademark & Copyright Enforcement
  • Software Counterfeiting Enforcement
  • Brand Protection for Luxury Goods
  • Submissions to the CBP to maximize international protection

Other Practice Areas

Are you inventing a new product and considering a patent? Read our blog to understand more about the process and then speak with a lawyer to get started.

Gordon Belcher Participated as Judge for Cleantech Open


On September 24, 2024, Gordon Belcher was a judge for a live pitch competition of a Regional competition between startups for Cleantech Open. Previously, Gordon judged written submissions of startups for the Regional competition. The winners of the...